The Best News in the History of Civilization
Two weeks ago, I wrote part one from an astounding international call, and ended with this: "In part two next week, A Swiss guy, a blond woman, and a best-selling author sat down at the same table to have lunch..." The suspense has been killing you, I’m certain, even though only one person commented about it, and I’m married to her.
Last week became simply prayers for our nation. I have dear friends who love the New Testament Jesus who are celebrating, and others who are mourning. This lets me know that today’s part two from that call, set up two weeks ago, is perhaps needed even more than anticipated. Whether the celebrations and the mourning get amplified in coming weeks and months, or get muted, or even if the celebrators and mourners switch camps, what follows is indisputably the best news in history.
Six weeks ago in the Seoul area of South Korea, a historic international gathering took place known as the Lausanne Congress on World Evangelization. From their website, here is the description: "The Fourth Lausanne Congress will be catalytic in advancing the Movement’s fourfold vision — the gospel for every person, disciple-making churches for every people and place, Christ-like leaders for every church and sector, and kingdom impact in every sphere of society." Unlike the previous three (the movement started in 1974 by Billy Graham), I personally knew several people in attendance. And one of them, Olivier Fleury, is the same Swiss guy several of you met in January when we invited him to Tucson. His ministry is preparing for the 2000th anniversary of Jesus’ death and resurrection, which will be observed globally less than nine years from now. More on that in a minute...
As the Lausanne Congress began, my understanding is that there was an invitation-only luncheon for people with international reach. My friend Olivier (who I speak with regularly, including this morning), sat down at a table. On his right a blond woman joined him, Jenny Allen. Just Google her if you’re unfamiliar. Among the many areas of her influence is Gather25, an invitation to gather literally billions of Christian believers over a 25-hour period virtually for unified worship and praise and prayer. While anyone can tune in next February 28 and March 1 from their homes, I’d love to see some groups gather together in Tucson. Who’s in?
The best-selling author who sat down on Olivier’s right? None other than Rick Warren, whose Friday email list includes 1,000,000 pastors. He’s reading Olivier’s book (which I have several of - want one?) where he shares the vision God gave him 17 years ago for Easter, 2033. Olivier Fleury, Jenny Allen, and Rick Warren had lunch together, and are now collaborating. What a remarkable moment in history God has graced us to live in!
It should be no surprise that John 17, which is a prayer prayed by the Son of God and the King of Kings, is riding a wave of the Holy Spirit that is encircling the globe. Olivier’s vision back in 2007 was of city after city, in every country on every continent on Easter morning, shooting rays of light (praise and worship) heavenward as soon as the sun hit their area. As Olivier and others are saying, every person alive should have the opportunity to know who Jesus is, how much He loves them, and what happened 2000 years ago.
What would it take to achieve such a vision? As I’ve had opportunity to share this story since January, people will often say, “But that’s nine years from now! I’m still planning next week!” To which I typically respond, “I know. I’m concerned nine years won’t be enough time to get the Body of Christ in Tucson (or any American city) on the same page though.” We don’t all have to do the same thing. But the only way every person alive in Tucson on April 17, 2033 will hear the good news is if we stop doing what we’ve always done — in isolation — and do it together. So that the media can’t ignore it. So that every neighborhood is talking about it. And so that the most monumental event in human history gets the recognition it deserves.
Don’t just get inspired... do something! I dropped a couple Easter eggs along the way, but here are some more:
Would you like to be on an interest list for a Gather25 Tucson celebration next February 28-March 1? Email me back! I’ll be participating in the event... in Geneva, Switzerland!
Would you like to hear more about JC2033 plans in the USA in their early, early stages? Olivier is coming to Phoenix December 6-7, 2024, and I’ll be there along with some friends. Come join us for all or part!
Whether the news you’ve been watching strikes you as great or horrible, I guarantee it’s not as significant as this. Change channels!
Dave Drum, Founder