Eight years might not be long enough
When you read this, most likely my wife and I will be either en route or already in Geneva, Switzerland for the JC2033 Global Gathering..
I am not “The Unity Guy”
For over a decade, I’ve often had the experience where I’ll be with a group, someone will mention John 17, and someone else will turn to me and whisper, “It’s your prayer!” Well, actually, it’s not my prayer.
Divine Timing
Have you ever been anxious about something, perhaps with that anxiety maturing all the way to dread... and then you had God intervene in beautiful ways? Welcome to my last 48 hours.
Immigration Ministry for the Whole Body of Christ
Dave asked me to write the message for this week’s newsletter and I’m pleased to be able to report some incredible displays of unity that I have recently witnessed and hope you find encouraging.
Deadly Either Or’s
We live in an either/or world… and it might be killing us. If that seems like an exaggeration, consider these deadly either/or’s
Will the Real Pagan Please Stand Up?
If you read Genesis 20 in isolation, knowing nothing about either of the main characters, Abraham and Abimelech, I don’t think you would correctly guess which one had the stronger relationship with God.
Flip Your Planning Meetings Inside Out
Do you have a word for 2025? A single, prayerfully-chosen theme that God might want to use to help shape and deepen the coming year?
J17 in 2024: Year-end Review
In 2024, God drew us broader and deeper into Jesus’ strategic prayer to unite the Body of Christ for a divided world. We are experiencing new mutually life-giving relationships around the city, nation, and world. The specifics are so encouraging that we created a page on our in-transition website that you can access (j17ministries.org/2024review).
Looking ahead into 2025, here’s how we are responding to God’s invitations…
Announcing: It’s a Both/and Life!
How would you feel about taking a little journey with me right now through St Joseph’s hospital and wrestling with topics like, “What are You doing, God?” If that sounds like a perfect way to ruin Christmas, well, see ya next week I guess, ‘cuz that’s where I’m heading!
God C’s You - and It’s So Good!
“What’s your 'one thing' you’d like to ask of the Lord?” Dennis Fuqua asked. I knew immediately my request: that I would hear from the Lord more clearly, consistently, confidently, courageously, and in community.
What’s New in Season Two, part 1
J17 Ministries is just over six years old, and we have clearly entered a new season. What’s new in season two, besides everything? Today’s post will only address one critical and beautiful aspect: saying goodbye to Karen Henley.
The Best News in the History of Civilization
A Swiss guy, a blond woman, and a best-selling author sat down at the same table to have lunch... Olivier Fleury, Jenny Allen, and Rick Warren had lunch together, and are now collaborating. What a remarkable moment in history God has graced us to live in!
Praying the Both/And Life
I’ve been encouraged by several of the prayers I’ve seen and read already today, both in my JC2033 feed, where friends around the world are lifting us Americans up today in fervent prayer, and even on my Facebook feed. So I’ll add mine to the mix.