Season 2
Answer Jesus’ Prayer Today
The Reason We Exist
The Whole Jesus

Unity goes as far as humility takes it, and no further.
What Unity Is
Part 1 - In part one of this five part series, we examine the diverse unity for which Jesus prayed.
Part 2 - In part two, we look at how the unity Jesus prays for has to be public enough for the world to notice.
Part 3 - In part three, we look at how unity and truth are on the same team, and as such, they need to function that way.
Part 4 - In part four, we look at how Jesus prays for unity in every generation.
Part 5 - In the final part of this series, we look at how unity isn't the end goal but a means of people coming to know who Jesus is and how much God loves them.

Both the Church and the community are hungry for the kind of love Jesus prayed for in John 17.
Stewarding Our Churches through Political Polarization
How do we, as ministry leaders, steward our congregations faithfully and biblically so that the Body of Christ shapes the culture instead of reflecting it? This 3-part video series will provide you with some practical tools to navigate political polarization. Grab a friend to watch with you or use it with your small group!
Session 1 - The Good News of Jesus in a Donkey Elephant War
Session 2 - Panel Demonstrating Depolarized Political Conversation
Session 3 - Finding the Road in Lieu of the Ditches
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