Speaking Engagements
Bring Dave to Your Community
Whether the setting is a small group of leaders, men’s or women's ministries, a Sunday sermon, or a workshop setting of any kind, we love to share what we’ve learned and learn from you in the process.
Contact us regarding any of these possibilities:
Unity’s Description in John 17
Unity’s Prescription in John 17
The Starting Point When You Think “Church” (hint: it’s not the congregation)
Hearing from God
The Church According to Jesus (a study of the Beatitudes)
Dancing Without Feet Stomping (a fresh look at the story of Mary and Martha in Luke 10)
Worry and Stress are Dashboard Lights for Our Abiding Engine
Overcoming Depression
Humility: The Secret Sauce
Avoiding Pastoral Burnout
The Good News of Jesus in a Donkey/Elephant War
Our Big Fat Greek Problem (“Either/or” that should be “Both/and”)
Starting/Growing Citywide Unity
Women in Leadership — a John 17 approach
The Biggest Celebration in Human History is Coming in 2033