Tucson-Area Collaborations
Church of the week
Each week a different Tucson-area congregation is featured by this 4Tucson program. Each participating congregation provides a few prayer points when it’s their week, and commits to pray for each Church of the Week in whatever manner best fits their congregation. You can receive the weekly emails directly through jennifer@4Tucson.com, or as part of J17 Ministries’ weekly newsletter.
Tucson Ministry Alliance (TMA)
Tucson Ministry Alliance began in January of 2012 as a collaborative effort of several ministries, networking around a different area of need in the city at each lunch meeting. TMA is reformulating in 2025, but past presentations are available on the website.
Tucson Christian Retreat Center
In 2023, a small group of leaders began meeting to pray and seek a possible site for a Tucson area retreat center. As of the start of 2025, we believe God has led us to an amazing possibility that has the fingerprints of God all over it. Contact us to be added to the list of interested parties, where information will be provided as it develops.
Pastor Partners
From 2012 to 2024 a group of primarily African American and Anglo pastors met monthly, proving that our unity in Christ is sufficient to work through political and racial diversity. New leaders are developing the next chapter of this vision in 2025. Contact: PastorPartners@j17ministries.org.
Pastors’ Monthly Gatherings
There are many monthly opportunities for pastors in Tucson to build relational unity and trust with one another. Here are some of the citywide multi-denominational gatherings:
Romans 12 sponsored and led - Contact David Towne or Ron Smith for more info.
Northwest - Every 2nd Wednesday at CDO Bible Church at noon.
Southwest - Every 2nd Tuesday at 11:00 am at Drexel Heights Baptist. Contact Dan Gutierrez.
Covenant groups - Groups of five (including a trained facilitator) who covenant for monthly meetings plus two retreats per year. Contact Glen Elliott.
Tucson Gospel Coalition - First Wednesday of the month at Mission Church at noon. Contact Eric Naus or Andy Littleton.
Pastors Edge - For senior pastors and church planters, focused on leadership training. 2nd Thursday of the month at Journey Church. Contact Glen Elliott.
Asociación Pastoral Evangélica de Tucson - Hispanic pastors monthly meeting open to everyone, including translation for non-Spanish speakers. 3rd Monday of the month at 7:00pm, location varies; contact Jorge Apodaca.
Interdenominational Ministerial Alliance - African American pastors association open to everyone; meets most months on 3rd Monday at 4:30pm at Dunbar Pavilion. Contact Amos Lewis.

Unity isn’t in contrast to right doctrine, it’s the only way to achieve it.
Tucson Citywide Ministries
4Tucson builds on the relational unity J17 Ministries and others work toward, so that operational unity can take place around systemic issues in the City of Tucson.
Romans 12 Ministries
Romans 12 Ministries’ mission is to help Christian leaders in our city become healthy. Part of that health is the need for community, and so we partner closely in a variety of areas to support greater unity among Christian leaders in Tucson.
City Psalms
City Psalms is bringing unity and collaboration to Christian artists and musicians around Tucson.
Community Renewal
Community Renewal unites Christians around Tucson and elsewhere to care for the least, the last, and the lost, both through direct services and advocacy in systemic justice issues.

Our unity in Christ can create a “cross culture” that is bigger than our racial, denominational, and political gaps.
National & International Partners
Be United in Christ
Be United in Christ is a partner ministry developing multiple books and resources around the theme of Christian unity.
Joel McGill
Joel McGill is a national friend leaning hard into John 17. His YouTube channel includes multiple resources on hearing God more effectively. Healthy body parts connected to the same head by definition experience high-level unity and collaboration.
J17 Ministries of the Wasatch Front
An affiliated 501(c)(3) in the Salt Lake City area, led by Stephen Trost (stephen.trost@j17ministries.org). Their first major project is the Christian Migrant Network, caring for immigrants and deportees from Latin America north through Salt Lake City. To find out more, read Steve’s recent Guest J17 Ministries BLOG post, Immigration Ministry for the Whole Body of Christ .
JC2033 is based out of Geneva, Switzerland, and led by our friend Olivier Fleury. April 17, 2033 will be the 2000th anniversary of Jesus’ death and resurrection, and deserves to be the largest celebration in human history, with Christians in every city in every nation on every continent uniting to tell the story in such a way that every person alive hears the news. We are partnering with JC2033 locally, nationally, and internationally.
Uniting for both defense (supporting the persecuted) and offense (sharing the gospel throughout the nation).
Let us know if you’d like to be part of the Pakistan prayer team.