Deadly Either Or’s

We live in an either/or world… and it might be killing us. If that seems like an exaggeration, consider these deadly either/or’s:

  • When caring for a mother and caring for an unborn child are turned into either/or’s, more abortions are the result.

  • When concern for Israelis and concern for Palestinians become either/or’s, a war is prolonged.

  • When border security and caring for refugees are seen as political either/or’s, well, watch the news… and talk to anyone working to serve refugees right now.

Introducing… a new video series called The Both-And Life!

If you paused to watch the trailer just now, you already know that this video series won’t only be about politics. If my assertion is correct, the theological either/or’s and Christian living either/or’s might be even more costly than the political ones. The reason being, Jesus believed that our unity would be how our neighbors come into a saving relationship with Him. Eternal death is far worse than temporal discomfort, and that might be at stake too. That topic comes up in Episode 2 which can be found on both the J17 website as well as the Both-And YouTube channel, in addition to social media sometime this week.

This project is both ours (the J17 Ministries staff) AND yours. Here are some ways you can help:

  • Watch the episodes. The more views, the more opportunities for views. The trailer is literally under two minutes. Most of the rest will be in the 10-15 minute range.

  • Subscribe to the channel.

  • Share either our website or our social media channels (Facebook, Instagram, YouTube) with people you know who might be interested.

  • Especially on social media, comment! Let’s turn this into a dialogue!

  • Watch for the social media posts this week and consider sharing them directly with your networks. (If you utilize social media, that is. If you’re fasting from it or never engage at all, there can be good reasons for that!)

Some people make a lot of money and gain a lot of power through turning the world into an either-or place. But outside of that small group, I keep finding more and more people, both followers of Jesus and not-yet followers of Jesus, who are hungry for a different way of doing life, for a Light in the middle of way too much darkness. This is our time to shine!

Dave Drum, Founder


Immigration Ministry for the Whole Body of Christ


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